Our school has a close affiliation to the Greek Orthodox Church. The greater majority of our pupils belong to the Orthodox Church and religious studies are largely geared to addressing their needs. The subject has, however, always been dealt with in a spirit of understanding and respect. Pupils belonging to other confessions or creeds are encouraged to treat the subject academically, as a cultural subject or module of the Life Orientation learning area.
Pastoral care and counselling is offered to our immediate school community as well as to any others that seek assistance or help.
We have a small, but vibrant Sunday School and a group of dedicated teachers. At present, we cater for ages 3-12.
The building of our Chapel was an answer to the prayers of many and to the liturgical and spiritual needs of our school community. Within a small period of time it was built and adorned and, in February of 1998, it was consecrated by the late Patriarch Petros VII of blessed memory. The Church initially served the needs of the pupils and staff of the school. Priests were appointed to celebrate Divine Liturgy on week days. Weddings and Baptisms were restricted to those persons that had an immediate relation to the school (past pupils, teachers etc).
Sunday, May 15 2005, marked yet another significant occasion in the life of our school. With the blessings of His Beatitude, our Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, our school Chapel was opened and Divine Liturgy was celebrated, the first in terms of the new re-defined role the Chapel would play.
While remaining a school chapel, it would in essence function as a parish, open to all at any time, and celebrating all Sacraments and Services apart from funerals.
His Beatitude our Patriarch and His Eminence our Archbishop Damaskinos, recognizing the demands of the times and the needs of our youth and of Orthodox faithful that are English-speaking, have decreed that our chapel will use English as its liturgical language.
Our Chapel has become a beehive of spiritual activity. Children and adults find spiritual sustenance and the development of an appropriate Orthodox Ecclesiastical Ethos and assists in rectifying many misunderstandings and incorrect practices regarding the faith.
At a time when we and our children are being exposed to and bombarded with varying and conflicting messages, the hearing of the Gospel truth becomes vital in our own formation.
Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. We would like children to begin to see church as part of their lifestyle and as quality God-time and family time. Adult classes on religious issues, catechism and Bible study are held in the evenings from time to time.
Much effort and prayer went into the opening of our Chapel. It remains for all of us to keep it full and to justify the hopes and labours of others that worked towards this.
The Chapel is open daily from 07h30 to 15h00 and many scholars make use of this time for their daily devotions. Divine Liturgy is occasionally celebrated on week days and pupils attend on a rotational basis. Lessons are held in the Chapel when the subject is appropriate.
Baptisms and weddings for people wanting to make use of our beautiful Chapel are held regularly.
Having Father Petros, the first locally-born priest of our Archdiocese and a past pupil of the school, as our “resident priest” has been wonderful for the children of SAHETI and their families and much work has been done with a refreshing approach.
The friendly and casual approach encourages persons to participate and ask probing questions.
Archbishop Petros Parginos
School Chaplain