Nick is a parent at the school with 3 children in the Primary School and 1 in the Pre-Primary.
He has served 6 years on the Pre-Primary and Playschool PTA, of which 3 were as the Chairperson. In those 3 years, he served on the Board as Treasurer for 2 years.
Nick leads the BDO Corporate Finance team in South Africa. Nick has established a professional and market-oriented team with profound knowledge of valuations and transaction advisory on both sell- and buy-side as well as for listed company transactions.
Nick has over 20 years corporate finance experience, gained at an investment bank and in a “Big 4” corporate finance environment. Nick deals in various aspects of corporate finance including valuations, advise on the JSE Listings Requirements and structuring of deals (mergers, acquisitions, disposals).
Nick is a CA(SA) and is accredited by the JSE and TRP as an independent valuation expert.