SAHETI Primary School

an educational journey beyond expectation

An energized, happy environment is what characterizes SAHETI Primary School. The focus is to provide a caring and loving space with an innovative teaching drive, which constantly challenges the enquiring mind and nurtures the development of the child’s intellect and character. 

Nisha Lalloo

We are, and have been proud SAHETI parents for last six years. From the very first positive interaction, the school left us with a warm and comfortable feeling that our children are at a great school. We also believe that this school will bestow on them the excellent academics and self confidence that will make our children leaders of the future. We often see the confidence in our children, and they challenge us respectfully, which in our opinion demonstrates confidence. We are often complimented by family members and close friends on the talent they see in our children compared to… [read more] “Nisha Lalloo”

Mema Bourtsouklis

When we joined SAHETI in 2016, we were apprehensive about the travelling time and distance from the Vaal Triangle, as well as about moving to a school quite different to what we were used to. Nevertheless, from the outset were warmly welcomed and made to feel part of the SAHETI family. Our sons have thrived academically and socially in just a year and a half. They are part of many cultural programs that have enriched their sense of heritage, including religion, culture and diversity. They are challenged and equipped to learn and think ‘out of the box’ in accordance with… [read more] “Mema Bourtsouklis”

Marianna Cidrais

My child LOVES his school and said he wouldn’t change a thing if he could! So for me, if he is HAPPY I am HAPPY!

Costa and Constantina Hambakis

Our son and daughter started at SAHETI School in 2009. From the very first week of our daughter attending the Playschool, I was amazed at the unique approach the staff had towards the pupils. My daughter is quite feisty, strong willed and not shy to express herself. I was advised by her teacher at the time to not break her spirit by shutting her down, but rather to appreciate her self-confidence, while setting boundaries and teaching her about making choices and the consequences thereof. Throughout the years that our children have attended SAHETI, this approach has been maintained. This was… [read more] “Costa and Constantina Hambakis”

Primary School

The children at SAHETI come to value diverse perspectives and conflicting ideas as they are taught to construct knowledge as independent, critical thinkers. The school is committed to developing and enhancing the human capital of both staff and pupils. We create a safe and secure environment that facilitates experimentation involving new ideas, initiatives and innovations, moving beyond expectations.

for more information on the Primary School

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    What Grade are you interested in? (Multiple Grades can be selected)





    Fees for 2022


    Grade 1 - 3

    Yearly Fee :: R99 192.00
    Paid by 31 Jan :: R95 224.32
    Termly x 3 :: R33 064.00
    Monthly x 11 :: R  9 017.45

    Online Application

    Kindly click on the link below and follow the online process


    Grade 4 - 6

    Yearly Fee :: R115 466.00
    Paid by 31 Jan :: R110 847.36
    Termly x 3 :: R  38 488.67
    Monthly x 11 :: R  10 496.91